Saturday, June 27, 2020

July 2020 Updates

Hi friends,

I would have to admit something. I really do not know how the market will perform right now. As you all know, I have been predicting that a second drop will be happening. But for the past 6 weeks, the market has been trading sideways, with a slight downtrend. This is kinda annoying, I am looking forward to a large fall, as I want to start pouring in my money. 

But nonetheless, I have decided not to check the price of my investment too much and I will just spread my cash over the coming 2 years to DCA into the market. I would encourage you to do the same as well. Of course, I will definitely have a stash of fun money that I will play around with. 

Let's talk about my portfolio for this month:

1. Stashaway (Invested $2,102, current value $2,176) - This is as I withdrew quite a bit

2. Stashaway Simple (Invested $8,754, current value $8,817)
3. Coasset (Invested $1,000, expected return of $1,090 in 2020)
4. Funding Society (Invested $1,881, current value $1,169)
5. Endowment (Invested $6,000, expected return $6,556.4 in 2022)
6. FSMone - Nikkoam STC Asia REIT ETF (Invested $1,748, current value $1,956) 
7. Kristal.AI (Invested US$2826, current value US$2820) 
8. Singlife Endowment (Invested $10,000, current value $10,000) 0.05% return

Total Invested (SGD): $31,486

Total Value (SGD): $31,397

This would bring my returns to -0.28% (if I include the losses from funding society)

This would bring my returns to 2.11% (if funding society's losses were not included)

Yes, my profits have decreased. This is slightly annoying, but I have also increased my DCA allocation during this period as well. Hence, I am technically buying the stocks at a cheap price at the moment. Heh. 

Do note that I also did not include my as part of my value. This is as I am lazy to convert the value to SGD. But yes, I will start to slowly shift my money from the Jumpstart account to my investment. So expect my portfolio to have a higher rate of increase for the coming periods. 

Anyway, school is starting soon. This would mean that my internship is also going to end already and also, I am going to lose my source of income and a place where I really like to be (because of the opportunities for me to be an engineer there.). Not to worry, I will continue to teach tuition and keep an eye out for part-time internships for Y4S1. 

I have managed to squeeze my timetable into one day. Hence, this would mean that I have more time to teach tuition. Oh right. I have also decided to hit $100,000 in investment by 30 and I am prepared to work like hell to get it. So if you have any lobang, do let me know. I will do it and I will do it fairly well. 

Do stay safe during this period. I hope that you will keep healthy and continue to look for deals in the market. 

Till next time,

Stay vested, stay frugal my friends.



If you feel that I am not coherent today, I am actually kinda tired... heh. Too much hustling. I have actually stopped writing new content except for my monthly and mid-month updates due to my increased commitments like FYP and internship. I would want to apologize for that. When school starts, I should have more time to focus on this blog. But I have enough content to last till September. Not to worry guys.


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